Monday, November 29, 2010

You would think he was the nicest boy in the world...but unfortunately, I saw a different side of him that (hopefully) no one has. The name calling and degrading comments are over and done with. I just hope he finds what he is looking for. I am FREE!!!!!!! Free from his destructive influence. I'm beginning to truly live with the benefit of clarity and balance. I wish him well in my heart and I pray he gets the help he needs. I cannot help or hang on any longer. I AM FREE

Bad judgement of character....

I should have known from the beginning. Why did I ignore the signs? People aren't who you think they are...

We were sitting in your attic room which was a mess of dirty white sheets and clothing. The afternoon sunshine was peering through the attic window and you draped your arm around my shoulder. I wish things could have always been that simple. You always saw the glass half empty, never half full. Each hit of acid took you farther and farther away from me, there you stand in my mind, where you no longer would in reality. You are beautiful, even though your eyes are empty. Today is more about living and yesterday was more about drugs.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Night time vision

For reals, it was dope. Hope everyone took a minute to look up at the sky.

Wild and Free

...Forever wild and free

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wish things were as simple and pooh and piglet...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"The way I see it, we’re all a little bit insane, somewhat strange. Remember childhood and the psychedelic summers, unscripted, crescendos of heat swollen ecstasy, with warm oranges and citrus fruits rinsing your soft palate with their fragrant juices, sylph bodies bare and browned, unbuttoned sundresses, and sea salt in uncombed tresses. When classrooms couldn’t keep you, and you were young, drunk from the sun."


In our relationships, how much can we allow them to become new, and how much do we cling to what they used to be yesterday?
Ram Dass