Monday, June 7, 2010

Play date with mum

Mum and I went to the Medina Antique Mall today. If you haven't been, I highly suggest going. We spent hours (at least 3) in there browsing up and down each aisle. I had my eyes on some beautiful stained glass pieces that were taken from churches and old homes in the 1070's. They had just about everything you can imagine in this place. Ranging from old milk bottles to dolls and tables to jewelry...they even had old sports equipment. It was awesome! I couldn't leave without purchasing a hanging plant holder! I have been looking for one for a while.

The last picture is my new purchase, the hanging basket...and the spider plant was a baby that I cut off from its mother last fall. It has gotten so big! I need to replant it soon. It even has sprouted little spider babies!

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