Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Two years he walks the earth. No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes. Ultimate freedom. An extremist. An aesthetic voyager whose home is the road. Escaped from Atlanta. Thou shalt not return, ‘cause “the West is the best.” And now after two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual pilgrimage. Ten days and nights of freight trains and hitchhiking bring him to the Great White North. No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild. - Alexander Supertramp May 1992

Saturday, March 27, 2010

(Timothy Leary on an acid test)

"Life lived in the absence of the psychedelic experience that shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego." -Terence McKenna

Thursday, March 25, 2010


"That’s people. We arrive, consume all we can and then leave. Like locusts."

...except we don’t leave. We create illusions to mask depleting resources: we feed our food steroids and harmful fertilizers as well as mutate their DNA to make up for (conceal) the 30% decrease in arable land; we dig deeper wells to keep up with the dropping water table and go on living business as usual. A more accurate simile is that people are like viruses. 100% dependent we arrive, multiply abundantly until our host can no longer support the load, killing the host and thus killing ourselves.

I want to buy a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stickers
and stick them on the ceiling over my bathtub,
so that when I take a bath, I can turn off the lights and
sink into the warm water with stars glowing over my head.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obsession, it's a problem!

Dancing bears

Made this little tapestry for my boy, such an inspiration for me! It was my first silk painting, could have spent a little more time on it and not rushed it....I tried to do a salt technique on the background but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Twenty-nine days

I long for you, my loverbear
I am coming home soon, I swear!

Mind Melting

The trailer for Oddsac, a visual album by Philadelphia video artist Danny Perez and Animal Collective. The band has worked with Perez before, and actually just debuted a live art installation with him in early March called “Transverse Temporal Gyrus,” at the Guggenheim in new york. The show sold out within 17mins, if not less. It got mixed reviews but these photos look pretty cool:

People roamed around, drank absinthe, and laid on their backs as a part of the interactive installation. Wish I could have gone!

Friday, March 19, 2010

...because people change

Something changed in the direction of the wind. He couldn't meet my eyes and the brilliance of his smile had died down. He changed, I know he didn't plan to but, he changed. So now I'm sitting here with an empty chest and nervous hands wondering what happened to my gentleman. I was so excited to come home, now Im not so sure I want to anymore.

I'm looking through you
Where did you go
I thought I knew you
What did I know
You don't look different
But you have changed
I'm looking through you
You're not the same

Your lips are moving
I cannot hear
You voice is soothing
But the words aren't clear
You don't sound different
I've learned the game
I'm looking through you
You're not the same

Why, tell me why
Did you not treat me right
Love has a nasty habit
Of disappearing overnight

You're thinking of me
The same old way
You were above me
But not today
The only difference
Is you're down there
I'm looking though you
And you're nowhere

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our faces were made for smiling, but we are weaping

We were sitting in your attic room which was a mess of dirty white sheets and clothing. The afternoon sunshine was pouring through the window and you draped your arm around my shoulder. I wish things could have always been this simple. Where did that boy go, the one who called me beautiful...the boy who I fell in love with that summer...


Come into the mountains, dear friend
leave society and take no one with you
but your true self
get close to nature
your everyday games will become insignificant
notice the clouds spontaneously forming patterns
and try to do that with your life

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


"Ahh Home. Let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you.
Ahh Home. Let me go ho-oh-ome.
Home is wherever I'm with you."

I miss home
I miss him
I miss my friends
I miss my family...however, this video makes me so happy!!

Weaving Love

I wove this ipod case for Danny, I designed it all myself. I also made the loom in which I wove it on! It even has a spot for headphones. Next side project: laptop case, camera strap, or a headband? Any ideas?

Monday, March 15, 2010


My friend Lara and I traveled to Interlaken (Interlaken translates to "body between 2 waters") and boy was it magical. We went on a 4mile trek up the mountain cutting through ski slopes and walking in 3 feet of snow. We were not very prepared, but we survived. After reaching the top SEVERAL hours later, some Swiss boys nearly ran us over with their sleds. They asked if we wanted a ride back down the mountain, and of course we said yes (who could pass up an offer like that?)! Turns out, one of the boys we sledded down with was Mike Schmid, the Olympic ski cross champion in this years Vancouver Olympics! He and his 20 person crew treated us to drinks on the mountain and then more drinks at a pub we went to later that night. They were such nice, but crazy, Swiss boys...I mean Swiss MEN. They ranged in age from 28-35 yikes!
The mountains feel like home to me. There is something about the mountains that I am emotionally pulled to. Maybe its the thin air, or the scenery, or just being so close to nature itself. The deeper meaning happens in those silent moments when the mountains touch the sky and all you can hear is the whistling of the wind-it's just you and the mountain-its enchanting.

Switzerland, land of the cows and cheese

Trek through the woods!

Almost to the top

He was creative and used a cafeteria tray!
(forget his name)

Sledding down at sunset

walking to the pub on the mountain, sleds and all

Sunrise behind the mountains

Sunday, March 14, 2010


"Cornellá’s convention center will once again host what has become the world’s largest fair in the hemp sector. With a little over 8,000 m2 and over 150 exhibitioners, you can see and try a wide range of products, ranging from industrial hemp to materials for cultivating, various parafenalia and of course the world’s best known seed banks. We will also be in the presence of associations and various professionals of the cannabis world, making Spannabis an excellent place to meet people and network.

Additionally we look forward to celebrating another year of the Cannabis Champions Cup, by far the most aromatic award out there despite all attempts to tarnish its image."

Spannabis was probably the most eye opening and coolest conventions I have ever been too. They had a chemistry lab set up showing a number of different things. One part, you could put your ganga samples (FREE SAMPLES) under a microscope to see the crystals. Scientists were extracting THC into different forms and in another part of the lab, there were different soils and natural fertilizers that ganga was grown in. It was incredible. Companies from all over the world were being represented and trading the newest strands of weed and I was there to try it...all for free. Couches and bean bags were set up for you to chill and smoke on, there was live music and great munchie food. There were also talks you could sit in on about legalizing marijuana and the benefits involved. I smoked out of the newest vaporizer, made in the Netherlands, it looked more like a bong but didn't hit as hard AND it changed colors the harder you inhaled. I was a blurred mess of confusion when the exhibition was over, I was in another world.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring break 2010

Despite getting pick-pocketed, Barcelona was my favorite.
The city is filled with colour and excitement-I did not want to leave.
We stayed in the BEST hostel, it was surreal. Free breakfast
tea, and smiles...AND homemade brownies! If you're ever in Barcelona,
I highly advise you to stay at Mambo Tango.

Day one: We started off late and stumbled upon a vegan and vegetarian
restaurant that was painted really artistically. I ate the best thai peanut
tofo sandwich. Then we went to the Mercat de Sant Josep/ La Boqueria
and bought more delicious food. Later we headed to the Picasso museum
and the Salvador Dali museum, both of which are amazing.

Day two: We went to Park Guell and spent the entire day there.
It was like a fairy tale filled with gingerbread houses and colourful mosaics.

Day three: Went to SPANNABIS , a marijuana exposition, and spent
the entire day there. Ill post more about this later.

Last day: Walked around, did some shopping, ate delicious food.
Went to Apollo, a disco club with sick dj's. It was "Nasty Mondays" that night
followed by "Crappy Tuesdays"...we only went to Nasty Monday
because, ironically, we were feeling to crappy to
attend "Crappy Tuesdays" the following night.

London was just like New York City, but way more expensive and that didn't
help my current money situation. I skipped a meal
a day to budget what money I had left to spend in Amsterdam. We went to see Parliament,
London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Changing of the Guards, and The Princess Diana Tribute.
We rode the infamous TUBE, went shopping at the markets (Portobella/Spitalfield) + TOPSHO
saw Big Ben, and walked around town. In all honesty, I could have skipped London
and spent more time in Spain!

There is nothing like Amsterdam. The first night we arrived, it was pouring down rain and very windy. However, that didn't stop us from going to coffee shop after coffee shop. Amsterdam is such a laid back and enthralling place, despite all the tourists.

Conceptualize this:

You walk into any coffee shop or smart shop (3-5 on every block)
and you are able to buy the most dank bud, hashish, psychedelics, and

ganga food cheaper than the US. The coffee shops have every smoking
device and grinders for you to use free of charge.
Now you have the munchies?
That's alright, because in Amsterdam, they have every food
craving you can dream of within 5 minutes walking distance.

I'm talking about Chinese, Thai, Indian, Italian, candy stores,
Belgium waffles, pancakes, nachos, burritos,

fresh fruit stands, cheeses...the list goes on.

My favorite thing we visited was the Anne Frank House. What a moving experience. I had read her story in middle school, but seeing the annex where 8 people lived in hiding was mind-blowing. No words or pictures will do this emotional experience justice. You just have to go there for yourself, walk through the house, and put your place in her shoes.

(Walking through the annex, I kept thinking about Neutral Milk Hotel and how they wrote a whole album dedicated to Anne Frank. Now I finally understand their obsession with her, she is truly inspiring)