Monday, March 15, 2010


My friend Lara and I traveled to Interlaken (Interlaken translates to "body between 2 waters") and boy was it magical. We went on a 4mile trek up the mountain cutting through ski slopes and walking in 3 feet of snow. We were not very prepared, but we survived. After reaching the top SEVERAL hours later, some Swiss boys nearly ran us over with their sleds. They asked if we wanted a ride back down the mountain, and of course we said yes (who could pass up an offer like that?)! Turns out, one of the boys we sledded down with was Mike Schmid, the Olympic ski cross champion in this years Vancouver Olympics! He and his 20 person crew treated us to drinks on the mountain and then more drinks at a pub we went to later that night. They were such nice, but crazy, Swiss boys...I mean Swiss MEN. They ranged in age from 28-35 yikes!
The mountains feel like home to me. There is something about the mountains that I am emotionally pulled to. Maybe its the thin air, or the scenery, or just being so close to nature itself. The deeper meaning happens in those silent moments when the mountains touch the sky and all you can hear is the whistling of the wind-it's just you and the mountain-its enchanting.

Switzerland, land of the cows and cheese

Trek through the woods!

Almost to the top

He was creative and used a cafeteria tray!
(forget his name)

Sledding down at sunset

walking to the pub on the mountain, sleds and all

Sunrise behind the mountains

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