Additionally we look forward to celebrating another year of the Cannabis Champions Cup, by far the most aromatic award out there despite all attempts to tarnish its image."
Spannabis was probably the most eye opening and coolest conventions I have ever been too. They had a chemistry lab set up showing a number of different things. One part, you could put your ganga samples (FREE SAMPLES) under a microscope to see the crystals. Scientists were extracting THC into different forms and in another part of the lab, there were different soils and natural fertilizers that ganga was grown in. It was incredible. Companies from all over the world were being represented and trading the newest strands of weed and I was there to try it...all for free. Couches and bean bags were set up for you to chill and smoke on, there was live music and great munchie food. There were also talks you could sit in on about legalizing marijuana and the benefits involved. I smoked out of the newest vaporizer, made in the Netherlands, it looked more like a bong but didn't hit as hard AND it changed colors the harder you inhaled. I was a blurred mess of confusion when the exhibition was over, I was in another world.
Watch the Live Stream Of Spannabis 2013