Friday, April 30, 2010

Cheeky oxfords for Spring

I would like a pair of these oxfords, the ones with the big nautical laces, PLEASE. They are made to order European.

Do the math...


I absolutely love this band, especially this song. The lighting is so artistically done in this video, I wish the rest of it was up to par. I cant stop listening....! I love the ending, its very free and makes me want summer so badly!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dreaming of Europe

Top 10 things that I miss
1. The Central/San Lorenzo Markets
2. The beaches
3. Drinking in public
4. Riding trains
5. Soccer games
6. Kebabs
7. Happy's Wine Store
8. The Boboli Gardens
9. Walking...everywhere
10. The mountains

Meet my new babies

I went to my Nana's this afternoon to surprise her, but she wasn't home. However, my mom and I did find some really cool antique porcelain pots in her we took them...and went to Home Depot to find some plants. I bought a Jade plant and some other succulents (don't remember the name) to pot. My goal for this Summer-Fall is to accumulate as many plants as possible to reduce the air toxins in my apartment. You can never have to many plants...they make me feel like I'm in the jungles of India all over again. Now I just have to find a place to put all these.

Note: the spider babies are getting so big! Pictures to come later

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Culture Shock

(Hike in Sorrento, nice sock tan.)

After being stuck in Europe for a week, I'm finally home. They lost my luggage, but I' m home! It's weird adjusting back to "American standards"...I tried to turn on the hot water and forgot what side was hot and what side was cold...I bought fruit and realized I didn't have to weigh it...AND I got real used to not having a car and walking everywhere. Im starting to really miss Europe, I had such a great last 2 weeks there that I want to go back. The mountains and the water are so beautiful, especially since it was getting warmer. The hiking trails and cliff jumping were amazing!!!
Now back to reality, I have been waking up at 7 to work out with a personal trainer and get into shape. I feel really good and Ive been getting some muscle definition in my arms! My mother also comes with me and works out, its nice bonding time.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Old House and the Sea

The Clingstone House

Henry Wood, the owner, runs the house like a camp: all skilled workers welcome. The Jamestown Boatyard hauls the family's boats and floating dock and stores them each winter in return for a week's use of the house in the summer.

There are 10 bedrooms at Clingstone, all with indecently beautiful views.

The dining room table seats 14. Refinishing the chairs is a task on the list for a future work weekend.

I would love to visit this place and live there and volunteer my time into keeping this house from sinking. It has such wonderful history to it and an amazing story. I only wish I could live in a place such as this, with all of my friends. Read the story here.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The family comes to Florence

The family came to Florence to visit me!!! They were loving the open bar in first class, mum drank herself to sleep. The seat fully reclined into a horizontal position and came with comfy socks and an eye mask.
I introduced them to limonchello and absinthe the next night. John bought the most expensive bottle of absinthe (typical) and a bottle of limonchello for the children (Tyler, Olivia, Johnathan). That night Olivia became a woman and took her first shot ever. Tyler became a man and took his first shot (we all had bets on Olivia to finish her shot first). My mother was out of control and very loud talking nonsense, needless to say, she saw the green fairy and "devil horns" on Mckenna's head! I was far to hungover to attend class the next day.

He stole every virgin part that she had left...

Nitrous Mafia:

From Bonnaroo and All Good to Panic, Phish and the Dead shows they seem to be taking over the lots, with no intention of even entering the venues. They are organized, fine-tuned drug selling machines that don't give a shit about the music. These guys hit lots like it's a job itinerary or a bank robbery, only going where hippie crack sells best without even buying a ticket for the music. It's a shame that its not about the music anymore. I have seen too many friends destroyed by bohemian excesses, ruined by drugs. When will this stop?