Sunday, April 4, 2010

The family comes to Florence

The family came to Florence to visit me!!! They were loving the open bar in first class, mum drank herself to sleep. The seat fully reclined into a horizontal position and came with comfy socks and an eye mask.
I introduced them to limonchello and absinthe the next night. John bought the most expensive bottle of absinthe (typical) and a bottle of limonchello for the children (Tyler, Olivia, Johnathan). That night Olivia became a woman and took her first shot ever. Tyler became a man and took his first shot (we all had bets on Olivia to finish her shot first). My mother was out of control and very loud talking nonsense, needless to say, she saw the green fairy and "devil horns" on Mckenna's head! I was far to hungover to attend class the next day.

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